The Growth

Today, I stumbled upon something in TikTok that hit me hard, “the degree to which a person can grow is directly proportional to the amount of truth they can accept about themselves without running away.” It got me thinking about all the mess I’ve waded through and the person I’m slowly becoming.

I gotta be honest; my history’s got more shades than a spilled paint can – the kind that makes you ask, “What on earth was I thinking?” It’s a mix of choices I wouldn’t exactly brag about, and for a good chunk of time, I believed I was a lost cause.

Kinda felt like if life was a game, I’d somehow managed to botch it up so bad, there was no hitting reset. Just stuck on the ‘game over’ screen, you know?

Enter my boyfriend. This guy, I swear, he’s got this superpower where he sees the me I never thought existed. Before him, I felt like a beggar, constantly telling myself, “Don’t ask for more; this is as good as it gets.” But in all his patience and understanding, became a mirror showing me reflections of myself I had refused to see.

Through years of self-reflection, and his unyielding support, I started to forgive myself, to piece together the broken parts with gold, learning to love them not as reminders of my failures. This whole journey’s been about flipping the script. Instead of seeing my past mistakes as this dark cloud following me around, I’m learning to embrace them. Like, “Yeah, I messed up, but watch me use that to become someone better.” It’s not about ignoring the bad stuff but about not letting it define me.

It’s pretty much a daily showdown: me vs. the me who’s tempted to look away from the tough truths. But here’s the scoop – the me that’s aiming to face it all is inching ahead in the race. Embracing who I am, imperfections and all, and realizing that no matter the storm, I’ll come through stronger, that’s the goal.

For anyone out there feeling weighed down by their past, hear this: you’re not defined by your slip-ups. They don’t chain you down for life. That willingness to stare down your fears and accept your truth? That’s your first step towards real, meaningful change. Sure, it’s terrifying – but what’s on the other side? The real you, the one you’re meant to discover.

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